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Slack Bot FAQ
Updated this week

How to add the bot to my Slack channel?

Follow our step-by-step guide on Adding RSS feeds to Slack Channels.

Can I add the bot to multiple channels?

Yes, you can add the bot to multiple channels.

Can I add the bot to a private channel?

Yes, you can add the bot to private channels, check our guide on Private channels.

Can I change the bot's name and avatar?

Yes, you can change the bot's appearance in Alert settings.

How many Slack bots can I add?

The number of alerts you can set depends on your plan. You can check your current usage or view the Pricing Page for more details.

The bot is not posting new posts.

Make sure the bot has permissions for the channel or group.

I don’t see my channel when creating an alert.

Make sure you are adding the correct bot (News Alert bot).

Remove News Alert bot and add it again. If you still don’t see the bot in your channel or group, please contact us for further assistance.

How long does it take for the bot to send a new post?

Once a new post is added to the RSS feed (based on your plan refresh rate), the bot should send it to your Telegram channel or Group within a minute, depending on Telegram API load.

The bot will send only new posts. Older posts can be sent manually in alert settings using the manual button.

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